Thursday, 17 May 2007

The challenges and problems of Strategic Planning Object

Alghero, 27th July - 4th August 2007
ISS 2007: The challenges and problems of Strategic Planning Object
Effective strategic planning must feature the capacity to define a particularly coherent, stable outline of objectives, instruments and policies, it must link up with other planning instruments at different spatial and temporal scales in a precise, regulated way, and it must combine top-down and bottom-up approaches. Strategic planning does not clash with ordinary planning, which is necessary and is - and must be - (also) made up of norms and vetoes, and it has to be able to be both rigid when useful and flexible when necessary: rigid, because once a shared vision has been constructed, this vision cannot change every time the leaves rustle, flexible, because a good strategist knows how to modify tactics and actions on the basis of changing conditions. Strategic planning has to express a shared vision, shared firstly by all those who have or will have rights, male and female citizens first of all, but also guests and friends, and also and with particular importance by the future citizens: girls and boys and adolescents; this means that before allowing those to speak who already have a say, those who express strong economic interests (they, too, are not to be excluded), we need to know how to listen to the demands, needs and wishes of those less capable of expressing or recognising them. But we must avoid this being a passing fashion. Fashions are not necessarily bad, nor are they necessarily good. It would not be right for strategic planning to be a fashion, a copy of slightly old-fashioned company practices brought into the field to justify urban marketing actions, as if the task of public administrations were to “sell” a product and not to ensure lasting quality of life for citizens and guests. Quality of life means fairness, it means a good tenor of life (tenor of life is not just the income pro capite), it means a healthy environment, it means beauty, it means public spirit (for the Greeks those who were not interested in public things were called “idiots”). Strategic planning for the city and territories must therefore be equipped with its own instruments, suited to the different scales, it must provide its own normative framework and determine concrete effects on the set of choices, it must compete with other planning dimensions, it must constitute a process of true empowerment. How to carry out strategic planning properly in accordance with the territorial level (with particular reference to small and medium cities), how to incorporate it in the picture of planning and management instruments, how to link it up with the different types of plan and other scales, how to encourage citizenship and participation to grow: these will be the themes of the summer school, which, after two days of (technical and territorial) background, will be

ISS 2007 will take place in Alghero. This town is called L’Alguer by Catalans, S’Alighera by Sardinian people, L’Aliera by Sassari’s citizens and Alguer in Spanish. It is a town in the district of Sassari with over 42.000 inhabitants. It is well connected with Italian and European destinations with several daily flights. It is close to Porto Torres harbour and it hosts the first Faculty of Architecture in Sardinia.

Stephane Bosch Arnaldo Cecchini Antonio Font Francesco Indovina Giovanni Maciocco Oriol Nello Bernardo Secchi

Italian and English

Enrolment cost
400 euro (250 euro for university students and doctorate or PhD students)
There will be 4 grants for EU students for the enrolment cost. There will be 4 grants for students outside UE belonging to partner Universities of the Faculty of Architecture of Alghero, that will cover the costs of enrolment and accommodation.
We have an agreement for the accommodation in Alghero (30 euro per person per night in triple room, 35 in double); also, agreements for meals will be activated.
The ISS will provide a certificate for 3 credits (ECTS).

E M +39 3209234078 U
ISSs of Facoltà di Architettura di Alghero area directed by Giovanni Maciocco & Arnaldo Cecchini

The leading team of ISS2007 Alghero is composed by:
Francesca Bua, secretary Alessandra Casu Alessandro Plaisant Silvia Serreli
split between four project workshops on different realities in northern Sardinia.

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