Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Online magazine MOnuMENTA

An online magazine, MOnuMENTA, has produced its first issue on urban space and the urban green space. The magazine has a Greek/Cypriot focus (so that should interest quite a few of our students!), although it includes case-studies from elsewhere.

This issue contains:

The history of greek urban space from the post-war period to nowadays. Interview with the architect and urban designer Andreas Symeon
Editing: Irini GratsiaInterview with the architect and urban designer Andreas Symeon regarding town planning, the formation of the Greek urban space from the post-war period to nowadays. Through his training and professional development one can follow the international and local trends of town planning and the traumatic evolution of Athens. Meanwhile the problems of the modern town are presented as well as ways to encounter them.

"Castleford Project", an innovative regeneration project
David Barrie, producer of public projects and consultant in city development "Modernisation is possible only through democratisation". This is a key philosophy of "Castleford Project", the innovative regeneration project of a town in West Yorkshire, England that in just four years has transformed several of the town’s public spaces and leveraged over €300m of new public and private investment.

Urban regeneration in Athens and the broader Attica region
Eleni Portaliou, associate professor, National Technical University of Athens In the middle of the 1990s, plans for the Olympic Games intensified Attica’s centralization. Sporting and other Olympic venues encouraged the expansion policy and the euphemistically called rehabilitation projects, namely the sitting of Olympic Poles in unbuilt areas. However, all these areas constituted either valuable reserves for the reconstitution of the fragmentary city or parts of natural landscape.

They also have a Monuments at risk section and a discussion forum.

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