Thursday, 10 May 2007

Seaside Heritage: Colourful Past, Bright Future

Conference on the role of heritage in the regeneration and future of England’s seaside towns.

Seaside Heritage: Colourful Past, Bright Future will take place at St Mary in the Castle in Hastings on 16th and 17th October 2007.

Programme includes:

The English Seaside Resort: History, Heritage and Regeneration
John K.Walton, Professor of Social History, University of Central Lancashire

Tackling the Challenges Faced by Coastal Communities
Dr Phyllis Starkey, MP, Milton Keynes

Catching the Wave: Regeneration in Historic Coastal Towns
Deborah Lamb, Director of Policy and Communications, English Heritage

The Seaside Network: Sharing Experience and Learning from the Past
Derek Harding, BURA and Programme, Director for the Margate Renewal

Turning the Tide: Enabling Sustainable Seaside Regeneration in the South East
Andy Brown, Regional Director South East, English Heritage

Coastal Defences: Protecting Seaside Heritage
Roger Bowdler, Head of Designation, English Heritage

Managing the Coastal Historic Environment through the 21st Century
Peter Murphy, Coastal Strategy Officer, English Heritage

The Challenge of the Seaside Pier: Past, Present and Future
Fred Gray, Dean of the Sussex Institute, University of Sussex

The Era of the “colonia di vacanza” in Italy: an Architectural and Social Study
Valther Balducci, Facoltà di Architettura ‘Aldo Rossi’ Università di Bologna

Coastal Treasures INTERREG Project
Elizabeth Justome, Chercheur associé au Service régional de l’Inventaire, Picardie, France

Reputation and Regeneration: History and Heritage in the Re-making of Blackpool
John Walton, Professor of Social History, University of Central Lancashire

Panel Discussion: Is Heritage an Aid or Hindrance to Regeneration?

For full programme and booking details contact Helen Charlton


trudie said...

This looks great - esp for me - I'm a heritage development officer for a seaside borough, but the cost is prohibitive - it would be half my entire sections training budget for the year - any ideas on how we can convince EH to do something a bit cheaper

Tim Williams said...

You are absolutely right Trudie. As a development officer do you belong to ALGAO? If so, maybe they could lobby EH to open up these conferences to appropriate professionals as part of their professional development programme. Try contacting Bob Hook at EH (